What's your name? How old are you? What grade are you in? What school do you go to?

My name is Alexander Truong, but most people call me Alex for short. I am 15, and currently in 10th grade.

What's your ethnic background, any particular traditions, or annual/yearly events?

My family is entirely asian, consisting of mainly Chinese and Vietnamese. We obviously celebrate Chinese New Years... who wouldnt!? Its practically free money! We celebrate the occurrence of a full moon, but we also visit the elders who have passed in order pay our respects. We travel all around the world every summer to explore and learn new things. Maybe tour the Forbidden Palace or just relax at a resort in Mexico.

What's your dream college, eventual dream job, and why?

I want to attend a selective college as a computer science major. Eventually into a full-time engineer or developer at a big tech company. Ive always adored computers, especially the pc that I built around 2 years ago. The coding industry has such a vast amount of job positions that require someone with knowledge of programming. It's way too good to pass up especially with my background.

Do you participate or enjoy particular sport, if so.. why that particular sport.

My parents told me, when I was little I always loved running around because I was super hyper and never got tired at all. Well elementary passes by, and I find myself in middle school all of a sudden.. a new world, a very different one. I started doing track in 6th grade. I loved track so much that I continued and stayed on the track team for the rest of my middle school years. For my freshman year of highschool I participated in swimming because I have always tooken swimming classes over the summer but never really got serious about swimming. Although it was mentally and physically taxing, it was weirdly fun. I'm in love with it now, and am currently swimming competitively.

Do you have a particular book series or trilogy you enjoy? Give a brief overview.

I recently finished the first book of a series called Keepers of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. This 12 year old girl called Sophie is a telepath which means she can read minds. One day, she meets Fitz another telepath and is taken back to the world where she belongs. She's determined to find out why she was hidden on Earth, and the role she plays throughout this entire series.
